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is a world of colour and texture, inspired by the intricacies and beauty of nature. Working in textiles since the early 2000’s, I participated in many courses, and kept playing and experimenting to find a way to make the things I envisioned. I still do all of these things. 
From around 2007 I began creating wearable art, which was showcased in eleven World of WearableArt performances, and in other Australian events. Each entry usually embraced a new technique or medium, which expanded my repertoire of skills every year. In 2020 I decided to move away from wearable art and turn to the gallery space, creating wall panels and now sculptural works, using these skills. My first artist residency on King Island led to my first solo exhibition, Algalrhythms, which opened on the island, and then toured four regional galleries in Queensland.
As a regular contributor to the quarterly TEXTILE Fibre Forum magazine, many of my adventures and works are shared in my Situation Svenja articles.
Currently I am working on my next body of work for an exhibition titled DistoMorph, (see News page) which embraces an exciting leap in scale, and an evolution in design perspective, as well as my standard obsession for colour and texture, topped off with a healthy dose of sparkle. 

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